Release Notes·

🚀 Version 2.0.0-Beta

What’s New in the Latest Release


📝 Release Notes

  • New Enemy Types such as Katana wielding cyborg samurais, Energy blasting floating dudes, and beefy mechs that pack a punch!
  • New Cosmetics offer more options to customize the look and feel of your Eonite Warrior!
  • Power-Ups spawn randomly throughout the world providing an extra boost of speed, jump height, or increased stamina recharge!
  • Open-World Environment created by our amazing level designer August Sönnergren. Eonfall's new world offers a 500x500 unit world space to explore with a variety of unique regions and terrains that help to create a dynamic gaming experience.
  • Mission System is still a work-in-progress but it's finally here!! Prepare to take on various missions and stay tuned as this core feature of the game continues to evolve in future updates.
  • Lobby System allows players to instantly spin up new instances of the game. Join other players from around the world in public games or create a private game session for you and your friends.

🐞 Known Issues

  • Game is known to perform poorly on lower-end hardware such as Chromebooks or on Computers using onboard integrated graphics. We've optimized the game as much as possible, but unfortunately no luck! Our only hope is migrating to Unity WebGPU & Unity's New Rendering System in the very near future once it's stable and ready!


🕹️ How To Play

Visit click Sign Up to save your progress & settings or just click Play Now for a quick game.

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